Agriculture & construction:
Because its roots are fibre like, it works similar to filter nets alongside river banks
Farmers usually use sounds generated by weird wind driven bamboo devices to dismiss the birds that eat rice in their paddy rice fields. One such device is a tall bamboo pole holed along the length on the upper side or using a separate short bamboo log put on top. When the wind blows it will sound like a saxophone. To ensure the right wind direction, the farmer will put a tail of plaited coconut leaves on the upper edge of the pole. The tail will adjust to navigate the pole in the direction of the wind. Other devices make clapping sounds.
As Bamboo is long lasting, easy & quick to grow, there are many houses constructed from bamboo. It is used for supports, walls, and the end result, all structures look fantastic in bamboo. Throughout Asia you can’t help but notice bamboo used in scaffolding even on large construction buildings.
Large size bamboo is a versatile raw material for furniture eg. chairs, wardrobe and beds. This furniture is produced at Bona village, near Batubulan, Gianyar. This village is the centre of bamboo handicrafts in Bali and its products are widely exported.
In Bali, bamboo is also used to make musical instruments, such as xylophones and flutes. Traditional Balinese an ethereal rhythm orchestra mixed with wavering flutes usually accompanies the Joged Bumbung or the Jegog dance.. Very often as you move throughout Bali you will hear the distinctive sounds of Balinese bamboo instruments This kind of music will stay in your memory long after you leave Bali.
Bamboo can also be part of delicious cuisine meals. Many dishes use bamboo shoots as one of the ingredients.
As bamboo is so widely used throughout Bali, in agriculture – food – furniture – music – construction – etc, wherever your travels take you, the sight of bamboo will remind you of the wonderful time you had in Bali.
Bamboo – the most versatile natural material
By Kembali Villas