Bali through its fragrances, a unique travel experience.
“Discover Indonesia by taking a unique journey through its fragrances”
Did you know that Indonesia is one of the biggest producers of raw ingredients used by the perfumery industry?
Brands like Yves Saint Laurent, Dior, and Jean-Paul Gautier use the finest Indonesian essences in their perfumes.
It was for this very reason that “L’Atelier Parfums et Créations” created a truly unique new experience in Bali – a Perfumery Studio where you can create your own perfumes and discover the finest essences Indonesia has to offer.
learn how to make your own perfume and create a unique personalized fragrance that truly reflects your personality for yourself or for that special someone in your life, using the finest essences available in Indonesia.
What are you waiting for?
Contact our Kembali Villas office to arrange either a 2 or 3-hour learning & formulating session.