Nyepi Ceremony is a Hindu Day of Silence or the Hindu New Year in the Balinese Saka calendar.
The day before NYEPI is Ogah Ogah day. This parade day features many individual village made Ogah statues and effigies which culminate in a burning ceremony on the beach.
The largest NYEPI celebrations are held in Bali as well as in Balinese Hindu communities around Indonesia. However on Bali it is celebrated in a special way.
On New Year’s Eve the villages are cleaned, food is cooked for 2 days and in the evening as much noise is made as possible to scare away the devils.
On the following day, Hindus do not leave their homes, cook or engage in any activity. Streets are deserted, and tourists are not allowed to leave hotel complexes.
In Bali the whole island shuts down, no cars, no pedestrians, no noise or lights visible from the street, no shops or restaurants are open. The only restaurants open are those in major hotels.
At Kembali villas our guests are encouraged to plan their own food & entertainment requirements, and our rostered staff are required to stay at Kembali as they can’t travel to & from their homes during Nyepi.
Being in Bali for Nyepi is an experience not to be missed. Imagine you are an aviation explorer flying over Bali, no cars, planes or people can be seen & at night when you look down not one light can be seen, the Hindu lesson here is that evil spirits will pass by Bali as it appears no one lives there.