A side trip to your stay at your stay in luxury at Kembali Villas should include one of Bali’s spectacular sights near Ubud, the return of the White Herons to their tree in Petulu.
In one of the most scenic areas on the island and directly north-east of Ubud in Central Bali is located the village of Petulu, famed for its artists, dancers and carvers of wood and stone. But that is not only point of interest the village is renowned for. It is also a bird sanctuary and home to the famous Javan Pond Heron and Plumed Egrets.
No one really knows why the Herons, who first began roosting there in 1966, chose Petulu as their nesting site. Ask any of the elders in the village and they will tell you that the birds are in fact reincarnations of the tens of thousands of men and women who died during the civil unrest throughout Indonesia & Bali in 1966. It is also a well known fact that many of those Balinese who died were laid to rest near the roosting grounds.
Any visit to the Ubud area should include being at Petulu at 6pm when the Herons return to their nests in the tree