Kembali Villas is proud to be supporting The Bali Pink Ribbon Foundation, the organisation focused on “Promoting Breast Cancer Awareness for Women in Bali”
Everyone is welcome to take part in The annual Pink Ribbon Walk, being held at Nusa Dua on Saturday the 28th April 2013.
To support the Foundation, Kembali Villas has donated 3 nights accommodation in one of our luxury 3 bedroom villas to be auctioned by the Pink Ribbon Foundation to raise money for their cause. The value of this accommodation is in excess of $1500.
You have an opportunity to support the Foundation and purchase accommodation at the same time
Click on the link to the Pink Ribbon Foundation website and to take part in the online auction www.balipinkribbon.com/bali-pink-ribbon-walk-2013/
The link to the actual auction site will be posted later